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2 Timothy 1:3-14

Tim Potter
May 12, 2019

A Godly Mother’s Ultimate Joy.

The investment of a mother or grandmother has far-reaching spiritual results. Though this message is oriented towards Mother’s Day, every believer can learn from godly ladies. The best gift a mother can give is an introduction to the Savior, Jesus Christ. This fills the primary need of any child. 2 Timothy 1:3-14 shows four spiritual anchors that children need from their moms after salvation. The quality of our children’s future depends on our understanding of these principles (whether biological children, adopted, or spiritual).

Spiritual Support System

Timothy was a third-generation Christian and had Paul as a mentor in addition to his mother and grandmother. We can notice this pattern throughout the Bible: no one is a Christian by themselves. Very few learn of Christ or grow in Christ on their own.

Acts 14 and 16 introduce us to Timothy. He had a good testimony and spiritual influence even as a young man. He followed the Apostle Paul for approximately 18 years and was established as a pastor around the age of 38. In writing 2 Timothy, Paul reminded his son in the faith that he was still not alone.

Developed Giftedness

A Christian cannot realize their spiritual gifting without a support system. One university study calculated that parents spend 10% of their annual income on their children’s sports. It’s great to invest in natural talents. This must never be done at the expense of our first priority: worship (Matthew 6:33).

Paul reminds Timothy to rekindle his gifting. Spiritual parents help their children to understand and implement their gifts in the body of Christ.

Personal Stability

Spiritual, emotional, and mental stability is one of the greatest felt needs of people today. 2 Timothy 1:7 lists three sources of stability: “power and love and discipline.” Divine omnipotent power enables us to live out our gifting well. No entity is able to love like God’s people. Discipline refers to ministry apprenticeship. Mothers and other spiritual mentors have the privilege of leading their children into the experience of service.

Effective Ministry

Each of these anchors is a fruit of all the preceding anchors. It is a simple yet profound process. Paul gives Timothy 3 commands in verses 8, 13, and 14 that mothers must teach their children. Learn to hold on to God’s Word and let it govern your life. Guard the treasure of Christ and His Gospel. Share that treasure with others! This will result in the joy expressed by the Apostle John: “I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth” (3 John 1:4).

Application Points

  • Though this message is oriented towards Mother’s Day, every believer can learn from godly ladies. Meditate on this passage in your own time. There is a wealth of insight to be mined from its depths.
  • Do you find yourself going alone in the Christian life? This is never the best choice that God has for you. Open yourself to the influence of someone who is more spiritually mature than you.
  • How can you lead your children (whether familial or spiritual) in these 4 areas? Do they have a spiritual support system? Are you helping them discover and use their spiritual gifts? Are they growing in stability with God’s enabling? Do they learn and share God’s Word?

Tools for Further Study

A Hymn to Encourage: “Chosen As His Children”

Chosen by the Father’s mercy,
Set apart to serve His Son,
Sanctified by His own Spirit—
Praise the Holy Three in One!

Saved by resurrection power,
Shielded in His faithful love;
Now, no enemy can tarnish
My inheritance above!

I’m born again!
I’m God’s own chosen child of mercy!
Born again! What love and grace!
Father, keep me walking worthy
‘Til I look upon Your face.

Led by wisdom into suff’ring,
Grieved by many trials below,
Yet rejoicing in His purpose,
That my faith as gold may glow.

Granted faith for overcoming,
Filled with love for Christ unseen;
Even angels cannot fathom
What salvation God will bring!

Fixed upon this hope completely,
As obedient children fear;
For the Holy One who called you
Purchased you with blood so dear.

Born anew from seed eternal,
By His lovingkindness spurred,
Lay aside all tasteless yearnings—
Crave the true and living Word!

Built on Christ, the sure foundation,
We are free from guilt and shame;
He is fitting us together
As a house to praise His name!

We are chosen as God’s people,
Called from darkness into light;
O what mercy now entreats us
To proclaim His glories bright!