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1 Timothy 6:13-15

Tim Potter
April 10, 2016

God is Infinitely Greater than Our Largest Ministry Obligation and Opportunity.

We are wrapping up our look at Paul’s instructions to Timothy. Each imperative Paul gives his protege applies to all believers, because all are to be involved in discipleship.

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We have already investigated commands to separate, pursue, contend, and adhere. Paul charged Timothy to “keep the commandment,” emphasizing the importance of Timothy’s knowing the Bible and teaching others to do the same. Even those who have been taught well still need to know their Creator more. Your spiritual growth rate is tied to your increasing knowledge of your God, because every new thing you learn should be influencing your practical walk. Knowing God affects the way we live.

In the joys and challenges of discipling, our consolation is found in God Himself.

The Giver of Life

God is the Creator of every person and Re-creator of every believer (1 Timothy 6:13). Reforming ourselves is not possible; repentance and faith are both gifts from God. He is the only one who can transform a life. This truth is important to remember as we interact with other people.

We will disappoint each other. In those moments, we can find strength to respond in a graceful manner by immediately disciplining our minds to think of those who disappoint us as saints of God. Christ is at work in them just as He is in you. Without this perspective, emotions will get out of hand. When you deal with others, especially fellow believers, you are walking on holy ground.

The Testimony of the Son

Paul challenges Timothy on the basis of Jesus making “the good confession before Pontius Pilate.” What can we learn from His testimony? 1 Peter 2:21-23 describes the humble way Christ responded to threats and insults. He is our example for depending on God when we deal with chronic struggles.

The Most Blessed

When Paul calls God “blessed” (1 Timothy 6:15), he is not using our common understanding of the word. He means that God is fulfilled, content, and satisfied with Himself. Each Person in the Trinity does have emotions, but the Godhead is never agitated in a discontent way.

Our feelings fluctuate, but God never changes. If you are a believer, He is always within you through the Holy Spirit and available with help whenever you need it. When you wrestle with Him in prayer, He will remind you of truth you already know. In Christ, we take part in God’s unstressed, settled, peaceful, blessed life. When we are in step with the Spirit and ungoverned by the circumstances around us, we can move forward in a calm, intentional fashion.

The Only Sovereign

Next week, we will learn how our knowledge of God affects our response to human and divine authority.

Application Points

  • How does knowing God affect the way you live?
  • Are you discouraged and finding it hard to walk forward? The reason may be that you don’t have enough information about God. How can you grow in your knowledge of Him? Here is one practical suggestion: Get a good theology book and read through the first chapter. If you need a recommendation, contact one of the pastors!
  • How do you treat others when you are disappointed? Do you remember that God is also at work in them? Disciplining your mind to think this way helps to keep emotions from getting out of hand.

Tools for Further Study

Cross References to Explore

  • Hebrews 1:1-3, Colossians 1:13-20, John 1:1-5, 1:14, 17:1-8 – God’s character is demonstrated explicitly in the Son made flesh. If you want to know God personally, you must know His Son.
  • John 18:33-38, Matthew 27:11-14 – Jesus’ testimony before Pilate.
  • Romans 8:28 – It’s true; everything will be okay.
  • Ephesians 1:4-13, 1 Peter 1:3-9, Psalm 2:12 – We are blessed at salvation.
  • James 1:25, Psalm 1:1-3 – We are blessed as we obey.

A Hymn to Encourage: “Chosen As His Children”

Chosen by the Father’s mercy,
Set apart to serve His Son,
Sanctified by His own Spirit—
Praise the Holy Three in One!
Saved by resurrection power,
Shielded in His faithful love;
Now, no enemy can tarnish
My inheritance above!

I’m Born again!
I’m God’s own chosen child of mercy!
Born again! What love and grace!
Father, keep me walking worthy
‘Til I look upon Your face.

Led by wisdom into suff’ring,
Grieved by many trials below,
Yet rejoicing in His purpose,
That my faith as gold may glow.
Granted faith for overcoming,
Filled with love for Christ unseen;
Even angels cannot fathom
What salvation God will bring!

Fixed upon this hope completely,
As obedient children fear;
For the Holy One who called you
Purchased you with blood so dear.
Born anew from seed eternal,
By His lovingkindness spurred,
Lay aside all tasteless yearnings—
Crave the true and living Word!

Built on Christ, the sure foundation,
We are free from guilt and shame;
He is fitting us together
As a house to praise His name!
We are chosen as God’s people,
Called from darkness into light;
O what mercy now entreats us
To proclaim His glories bright!

Quotes to Ponder

“Your life is described by what you know and believe about God.”